Georgie comes calling
I can never understand why everytime a US president comes visiting, the media goes into overdrive talking about the (
"invisible") behemoth that is the India economy, about our glorious foreign policy, invincible miltary might, nuclear shastras etc. etc. etc. The glorification definitely sells for one. After all, who wouldn't like to be told that he is important, important enough to merit a visit from the US president.
Make no mistake India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and the US along with the rest of the world realise that. However, if we read too much into these gestures and conclude that USA's very existence is dependent on its relations with India, that in my opinion is carrying it a bit too far. Its wasn't very long back when leading Indian scientists such as Prof. CNR Rao were denied visa or when our own George (Fernandes) was subjected to a strip search at a US airport. I think the question that we need to ask ourselves is this: Does India's opinion on world affairs matter to the US? Or is India like
Ramu kaka whose loyalty is bought when Bade Sahib attends his daughter's wedding. If tomorrow, Dubya were to develop a fancy for coconuts and decide to invade Sri Lanka on the pretext of smoking out Quick Gun Murugan, would India's opinion matter?
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